Donate an Auction Item

This event would not be possible without the consistent support of our community! Please consider donating a product or service for our silent auction (gift certificates, services, airline miles, vouchers, and/or merchandise/gift baskets, etc.). We value our local businesses and families, and all donations will be highlighted and advertised through our channels.

Please fill out the form below to tell us all about your product or service! We would be happy to arrange for pick-up of your donation (indicate below). Please send any questions that you may have via email to For more event details visit

Thank you for your generosity and for supporting our wonderful school!

(Please list exactly as you would like your name displayed on any print material)

(Personal or Business)

(Please include quantity, size, etc. For tickets please include seat numbers, row and section locations)

Donation Submission Method (reset)

Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Field Elementary PTO is a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID: 83-3708891.

2024 Field PTO Auction In-Kind Donor Benefits: Donors who submit completed auction donations will be recognized in Auction related printed materials including the auction bid site, auction website and signage at the auction. The auction items value and terms will dictate corporate logo use, size and placement in auction-related materials.

For inquiries, please contact the 2024 - 2025 Auction Committee by email